Jiangsu Xinliyuan South Asia New Material Co., Ltd

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Enamel steel plate manufacturer: What are the functions of Chinese enamel steel plates?

Date: 2020.12.08 Author: Jiangsu Xinliyuan South Asia new material Co., LTD

 Tunnels are an important component of highway construction. From urban highway tunnels to large mountain tunnels, the enclosure and decoration of tunnels cannot be separated from Chinese enamel steel plates. So, what are the requirements or standards for selecting tunnel plates? Enamel steel plate manufacturers will give you a detailed introduction.

1. Other functional considerations in tunnel decoration steel plate urban tunnel decoration should fully consider the variety of professional equipment such as internal fire protection, lighting, monitoring, and indication, as well as the complex layout of related lines and frequent inspection and maintenance. Considering these practical issues, the cavity structure of the tunnel decoration steel plate system provides usable space for the layout of related pipelines and can play a certain protective role, reducing the possibility of pipeline damage, In daily use, the simple structural form of Chinese enamel steel plate is easy to disassemble, and each plate can be disassembled and replaced separately, while also reducing the difficulty and cost of equipment maintenance.

2. Enamel steel plate manufacturer: Considering that the tunnel is a special functional building, its main function is to provide driving space for passing vehicles, and the load borne by the tunnel decoration system is the positive and negative wind pressure generated by passing vehicles due to rapid passage. Therefore, the Chinese enamel steel plate in tunnel decoration adopts a keel fixed plate installation method, forming a bidirectional plate stress system. Through calculation and verification, and referring to relevant technical standards, Ensure structural safety.

3. Regarding the consideration of noise pollution, urban tunnels are located in bustling areas of the city center. The noise pollution caused by motor vehicles after opening to traffic is a hot topic in the relationship between builders and the general public. The company has also taken targeted measures in the design process. The decorative enamel board of the tunnel has a unique cavity structure, which uses the principle of thin-walled resonance to reduce sound energy during the noise propagation process, thereby achieving the goal of reducing noise.

4. Enamel steel plate manufacturer: Before the driver enters the tunnel, the scenery of sunlight is boundless, and the black pressure in the tunnel is clumpy. Except for a few lights in the tunnel, the walls are all made of frozen cement, which can make some drivers feel uncomfortable. From a scientific perspective, the adaptation of the human eye to light takes a certain amount of time. In a short period of time, if one quickly walks from the dark to a sunny place, the eyes may feel uncomfortable. At this time, drivers may not pay attention to slowing down, which may lead to traffic accidents such as rear end. Therefore, the installation and use of Chinese enamel steel plates is particularly important.